Globe House
25 storey, 576 bed Student Accommodation building in the centre of Porstmouth
Fish Strand Hill
25 storey, 576 bed Student Accommodation building in the centre of Porstmouth
Fish Strand Hill
25 storey, 576 bed Student Accommodation building in the centre of Porstmouth
Fish Strand Hill
25 storey, 576 bed Student Accommodation building in the centre of Porstmouth
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Crown Place
Student Accommodation
A new PBSA building in the heart of Birmingham, close to its junction to Lancaster Street and the A38 Aston Expressway. 75-79 Lancaster Street will provide 814 student beds over 33 storeys with communal space provided on levels 0, 1 and 32. The building will predominately be clad in red brick with deep reveals. The height of the building and constrained site means the façade will be fabricated offsite in unitised panels.
Started on site spring 2023, due to complete 2026